How Technology is Changing the Face of Jobs in the Mining Industry

The mining industry is constantly evolving, and technology is playing an increasingly important role in shaping the face of mining jobs.

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The mining industry is a vital and multifaceted field, offering a range of career opportunities for those with a variety of skills and interests. From operating heavy machinery to conducting research and analysis, there are many different types of jobs available within the mining industry. However, the mining industry is constantly evolving, and technology is playing an increasingly important role in shaping the face of mining jobs.

There's a variety of technology that's being used to improve both efficiency and effectiveness. These technologies are having a significant impact on what work and the way that it is conducted. By understanding the role that technology is playing in the mining industry, you can better prepare yourself for the future of work in the industry.

Automation & Robotics

Automation and robotics are playing an increasingly important role in all industries and mining is no exception. From the use of autonomous vehicles to the use of robotic systems for tasks such as; drilling and blasting. Automation and robotics are helping to improve efficiency and productivity throughout the industry.

An example of how these are being used in the industry is through the use of self-diving long haulage vehicles. These trucks are equipped with sensors and algorithms that allow them to navigate the mine site and transport materials without the need for a human driver. This type of technology can help improve safety and efficiency, as it reduces the need for people exposed to hazardous environments. General automation is also being used to improve the accuracy, efficiency, and safety of tasks such as; drilling and blasting.

As more tasks are automated, this may affect jobs in the industry as some careers may become completely automated removing the need for people at all. However, this may generate jobs in other areas so it's important for people in mining to be aware of these changes and to be proactive in developing new skills and adapting to new technologies in order to stay competitive.

Many of what used to be more manual and in person processes such as; performance reviews, 360s, 1:1s, are now all conducted remotely using technology such as; Google Meet, Slack, UnwindHR, etc.

Data Visualisation & Analytics

Data analysis and visualisation tools are playing an increasingly important role in the mining industry. These tools allow workers to collect and analyse data from various sources, such as sensors and monitoring systems, and to visualise the data in a way that makes it easier to understand and use.

One example of how data analysis and visualisation tools are being used in the mining industry is to improve efficiency and decision-making. By collecting and analysing data on factors such as equipment performance and resource utilisation, workers can identify areas where improvements can be made and make informed decisions about how to optimise operations. In addition, data analysis and visualisation tools can help workers identify patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent, which can help inform strategy and decision-making.

While data analysis and visualisation tools are helping to improve efficiency in the mining industry, they also have the potential to impact jobs and the workforce. As more tasks are automated and data-driven, some workers may see their jobs automated out of existence, while others may need to adapt to new roles and responsibilities. It's important for workers in the mining industry to be aware of these changes and to be proactive in developing new skills and adapting to new technologies in order to stay competitive in the industry.

Remote Sensing & Surveying 

Remote sensing and surveying technologies allow workers to collect and analyse data from a distance, using tools such as satellite imagery, drones, and laser scanning/li-dar systems.

Remote sensing and surveying is being used partly to improve exploration and resource estimation. Through collecting data on factors such as geology and topography, you can more accurately identify potential resources and make informed decisions about where to focus exploration efforts. In addition, they can also help workers more accurately estimate the size and quality of resources, which can help inform investment and development decisions.

Virtual Reality & Simulation

Virtual reality (VR) is playing an increasingly important role in the mining industry. It's allowing workers to experience virtual environments and scenarios that can be used for training, testing, and decision-making more efficiently and safely.

Training is one area where VR is impacting the mining industry, as you can practice tasks and scenarios in a safe and controlled environment, allowing you to gain experience and build skills without the risk of accidents or injuries. In addition, VR and simulation technologies can be used to test and optimise processes and equipment, helping to identify potential issues.


From automation and robotics to virtual reality and simulation, there are a variety of technologies that are being used to improve efficiency and effectiveness throughout the mining industry. These technologies are having a significant impact on the way that work is done, but they are also changing the types of jobs and opportunities that are available in industry.

While technology can bring many benefits, it also has the potential to impact jobs and the workforce. By understanding the role that technology is playing in the mining industry, you can better prepare themselves for the future of work in the industry.

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